
Be decisive, Be patient, Don’t be greedy, Don't be stubborn


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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Journal HSI 2015/12/03

Pre open matching play. And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price.
Actual - converge after open, success

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Journal HSI 2015/11/11

Pre open matching play. And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Journal HSI 2015/09/30

Pre open matching play.
And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Monday, 21 September 2015

Journal HSI 2015/09/21

Pre open matching play.
And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Monday, 7 September 2015

Journal HSI 2015/09/08

Pre open matching play.

And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Monday, 3 August 2015

Journal HSI 2015/08/04

Pre open matching play.
And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Monday, 20 July 2015

Journal HSI 2015/07/21

Pre open matching play. And support and resistance defined by bid, last done and offer price

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Journal HSI 2015/06/12

Pre open matching play.
Short between yellow line after 9.20am matching. Take profit upon 9.30am cash market open

Monday, 8 June 2015

Journal HSI 2015/06/08

Pre open matching play.
Longed below red line, took profit upon 9.30am cash market open

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Journal HSI 2015/05/27

Pre open matching play
shorted above green line. Took profit upon 9.30am cash market open

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Journal HSI 2015/05/12

Pre open matching play
longed below red line. Took profit upon 9.30am cash market open

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Journal HSI 2015/04/29

Pre open trade. Upper/lower red line = Ask/bid price respectively. Blue line = pre open matching index level

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Journal HSI 2015/04/24

1)pre-open (9.15/9.30am)- HSI cash market to open around 27960 - 27920 (last done to bid price). Futures running anything below 27960 can buy and below 27920 safer buy.
2)Enter long for few ten lots
3)market open, 9.30am, futures track back to cash market - Took profit
4)After 9.30am, 3 more support/resistance lines were drawn

trendlines drawn between 10-10.30am
Entered shorts between the green line, 10.22 - 10.24am
Closed position ( cover shorts ) at yellow line, 10.37am

First half

Second half

Monday, 6 April 2015

Journal Sg 15/0407

Current market sentiment is in favour for both buy or punt strategy.
buy means buy and able to hold to withstand short term downward pressure but high chance move higher. And can set higher target price.
punt means for short term trade - mostly within contra period around 5 days. Can be intraday. Punt usually target for lower profit and the reward in percentage usually is much higher/faster than buy.

Stocks recommended for buy
Genting - to speculate next q good result. Will be reported around mid of May
Commodities - Golden Agri
Property with good discount to NAV like Wingtai, OUE
Swiber - good P/BV
Swing Media

Stocks recommended for punt
Energy, oil related - Mirach, Charisma
China related - Midas

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Journal HSI 2015/03/06

HSI has been in downtrend correction these few days after hitting major resistance 25000 (Chart1). This morning tried to rebound but late morning broke supports again (Chart2).

Chart1 - 2hr


Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Journal HSI 2015/03/05

1) 10.43am - Current support/resistance lines for intraday trading range
2) 10.45am - 3rd support line broken
3) 10.50am - crawled back to 3rd support line

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Journal HSI 2015/02/12

Mid term daily chart: resistance 25050. Support 24245, 23175

Today's 2 min chart. Support around 24245. Coincidentally today hit 24245 mid term support and rebound

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Journal HSI 2015/02/09

Last Friday HSI closed down 90 pts. As I guessed it was to anticipate poor CNY data. True enough, the data is below expected.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
21:38  CNYExports (YoY) (Jan)-3.3%6.3%9.7%
21:38  CNYImports (YoY) (Jan)-19.9%-3.0%-2.4%
21:38  CNYTrade Balance (Jan) 60.03B48.90B49.60B

On Monday HSI gapped down but slowly rebound and trend up as China loosen policy helps to cushion any pull back.